Aerial Mapping
Using small aerial systems, a mapping mission can be flown and get you current maps of you property that are only several days old and for a fraction of the cost of custom tasked satellites. This much lower cost, and much faster turn around means you can get weekly or monthly progress maps made of your site and have that information at your finger tips.
Maps made using drones can be very accurate. But that accuracy depends on client needs. Most maps can be made of the area and while that will import into most common mapping programs, and overlay the area mapped, it might be off by several feet in any cardinal direction. For a number of use cases, this slight discrepancy is more than acceptable. If you need higher accuracy maps, we can place, or have a licensed surveyor place, centimeter accurate GPS markers called Ground Control Points on site, the maps made with GCP’s are accurate down to approximately centimeter level.
In most states one must be a licensed surveyor to provide survey grade data. We do not maintain any licensed surveyors on our staff. This prevents us from offering mapping services that will be used for legal purposes, such as to determine property lines. A licensed surveyor will need to provide appropriate legal data for that purpose. We are more than happy to partner with a surveyor licensed in Maryland, or your local area to meet the needs of your mapping mission.